Hodder Edexcel A Level Geography Book 2 4th Edition

Cameron Dunn - Kim Adams - David Holmes - Simon Oakes - Sue Warn - Michael Witherick - Michael Chiles

Cramming all new-case studies, new geographic data and reams of new questions, this new Pearson Edexcel A-level Geography student book will capture imaginations as it travels around the globe. This new book will help your students develop the geographical skills and knowledge they need to succeed. It has been written by our expert author team and structured to provide support for learners of all abilities. The book includes: Activities and regular revi... Show more

Published: July 30, 2021
Title: Pearson Edexcel A Level Geography Book 2 Fourth Edition
Author: Cameron Dunn - Kim Adams - David Holmes - Simon Oakes - Sue Warn - Michael Witherick - Michael Chiles
ISBN: 9781398312326
Publisher: Hodder Education
Language: English
Formats: PDF


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